Saturday, 26 July 2014

Holidays and plans

So I am holiday this weekend that mainly involves cider animals and a large tent.

No it's not some drunken circus act I am away on safari getaway weekend which has tours and a bar along with glorious sunshine :) 

Hobby wise I have continued working on my heresy space wolves thanks to the addition of stormclaw providing a praetor and 5 terminators 

Looking forward to the releases next week as I am thinking the new flying transport would make a good assault ram.

Coming soon nids :)


Friday, 18 July 2014

Wargamers all against Cancer!

WAAC is 6 weeks away and the Sluggaz are rallying to the cause also as we would not be able to do it without the support of these lovely people a quick shout out to our sponsors

AC Models in Eastleigh who always puts the Friendly in FLGS and The St Denys Community Centre

The Events planned so far are a massive Apocalypse game, a massive Fantasy battle game and a large Bolt Action game.

Also Painting Competition
The rules are simple;
1) Donate £5 (or equivalent) to the WAAC donation page, making sure to say you are taking part in the WAACPainting. This can also be handed in on a club night but please specify that it is for the painting competition. Those that use the just giving page comment below.
2) Any miniature is OK to use, can be single model through to diorama or even a full army.
3) No theme is needed although the green of MacMillan will be looked upon favourably
4) Deadline for submissions is the 22nd of August.
5) Winners will be picked during the Bank holiday and contacted prior to announcement
6) All entries can be sent to with subject WAACPainting
7) Legal bleh, no cash prize, you can’t swap the prize for cash, judges have final say, sulking with result will be punishable by another donation etc. etc.

also a number of lovely ladies will be making cakes for sale during the event.

If you want to sponsor the event please pop along to 

Remember a number of us crazy people are doing the 24 hours straight to support the cause so please feel free to support us.



Monday, 7 July 2014

Wolsung steampunk love

If there is one thing I like its Steampunk its why I dabble in Malifaux. now finally after a couple of years Micro Art Studio have gotten ducks in a row and started planning a bigger release schedule for Wolsung

 They have launched a kickstarter and as at typing it has 12 days to go

Originally just the three factions

The lordly Ash & Oak Club made up of human and elven nobility.

The second faction is the Invetors Club made up of anyone with a deep thought and creative brain.

Finally the Triad of Lotus Dragon a den of thieves and villains from the east looking to subvert that which they could not conquer.

The game is free flowing with heroes and sidekicks doing daring dos and epic stunts it uses D6 as a base system but also a deck of cards to steal initiative, do stunts and cast magic. 

Beasts of war have done some intro videos to help understand the game. Vid 1 Vid 2

The Rules are available for free on the website here

Wolsung is set in simplest terms an advanced fantasy world somewhat akin to Lord of the Rings crossed with Jules Verne

in addition to the skirmish game there is a roleplaying game available too so can fulfil both itches for those so inclined

I do recommend people check out the Kickstarter as it is looking to add two new factions an dark mystical undead faction and the awesome Halfling gangsters with a touch of Cthulhu.

They have hit the funding goal and are just opening up stretch goals.

